Friday, November 30, 2012

The Dress

 Today is my 11 wedding anniversary. Boy does time fly when you are having fun.  Looking through my wedding photo's always reminds me who much I love my wedding dress.  This dress has such a history, and for me is a symbol of everything I am, and in my opinion, Peters best design work to date.  He had the challenge of taking my mothers wedding dress, and redesigning it for me. Truly preloved. He was able to incorporate all that was special to her, and make it uniquely me, at the same time including my slight Princess Grace obsession.  Nice work! To my husband  Doug, thanks for the best 11 years of my life!, and to Peter, thanks for creating the work of art!

   The Dress November 30 2001

 The Dress August 29 1964

 dad and me, November 30 2001

 dad and mom August 29 1964

 Doug and I and our cake

mom and dad and their cake
my favourite picture of my parents heading for their honeymoon
to a life time of martini's with my best friend!

1 comment:

  1. You look like a million dollars in that dress, what a stunning redesign!
